ORU’s President at the opening of the Global Partnership Summit on Aid Effectiveness

Paúl Carrasco, President of ORU, representing regional governments, and Vice President of CGLU, representing local governments, participated in the opening ceremony of the first High Level of the Global Partnership on Aid Effectiveness, together with Ban Ki-moon,  Secretary-General of the United Nations, Enrique Peña Nieto, President of México, and Helen Clark, in charge of the PNUD program, amongst others. 

ORU´s President stated that overall development is part of the Post-2015 process and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) LINK, and that both lay out the global public policies, “but this proposal for global policy could become unrealistic or subjective if it is not formulated as citizens, and worse, if it is not implemented with citizens. That is to say, if there is no territorial approach to help make it a reality, it will remain a mere public policy statement. This is why it is necessary for the Global Partnership for Effective Cooperation to promote what we call Global Partnerships and Local Partnerships, but especially Local Partnerships, in which people are the managers, and local and regional governments the facilitators, for the practical implementation of programs and projects that will help fulfil the goals of the Post-2015 agenda.”

Paúl Carrasco concluded his speech stressing that “we need to implement articulated local partnerships that will form the basis or the foundation for partnerships, and for the Global Partnership. Otherwise, neither cooperation nor the Post-2015 Agenda will be effective in the territories.”

Click here to view the entire speech.



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