ORU-FOGAR organises a Conference on «Decentralisation accelerates development»

On June 26th, 2014 the Conference on « Decentralisation accelerates development » was held at Casa Asia, Barcelona, in order to arrange the VI World Regional Governments Summit. Paúl Carrasco, President of ORU FOGAR, inaugurated the meeting together with Montserrat Riba, Secretary General of Casa Asia, Josep Roig, Secretary General of UCLG, and Manel Manonelles, recently designated Director General of Multilateral and European Affairs of the Generalitat of Catalunya.

Afterwards, Jordi Pujol, President of the Generalitat of Catalunya (1980-2004), Vice-president of the Assembly of European Regions (1988-1992), and President of the Assembly of European Regions (1992-1996), made a review of the history of regionalism in Europe and concluded by saying that there is still hard work to be done at this stage. Besides, Pujol referred to the widely spread process of recentralization, which has to be tackled and faced by reinvigorating the principle of subsidiarity. Finally, he also claimed that regionalism is the movement that allows the centre of power to approach the people.

The conference was organized around two major debates. The first one: Regional / Intermediates Governments. The importance of a name, was led by Javier Sanchez, Directorate-General for Development Cooperation of the Generalitat of Catalunya. It also featured speakers, among them: Viviana Barberena, National Federation of Departments of Colombia, Nicolas Lété, Delegation of the Rhône-Alpes Region in Brussels, Emilia Saiz, UCLG and Carles Llorens, ORU FOGAR. The second debate, Decentralization accelerates development, postulate that gave its name to the conference, was led by Lupe Moreno, Directorate-General for Multilateral and European Affairs of the Generalitat of Catalunya and counted with speakers, such as Josep Maria Pascual, AERYC, Pablo Enrique Centella, Andalusian Agency for International Cooperation, Giovanni Camilleri, UNDP ART and Leire Madariaga, Basque Government. 

The closing remarks were given by the President and by the Secretary General of ORU FOGAR, Paúl Carrasco and Carles Llorens, and also by Juan Carlos Granados, President of the National Federation of Departments of Colombia, who invited all the attendants to the VI World Regional Governments Summit, which will take place in Cartagena de Indias from 1st to 3rd September 2014. 

Le 26 juin 2014 a eu lieu dans la Casa Asia, Barcelone, la journée « La décentralisation accélère le développement » avec l'objectif de préparer le VIème Sommet Mondial de Gouvernements Régionaux.



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