The moment to take stock of various projects

The annual meeting is a very good time to take stock of how different projects are evolving. Thus, in the assembly on November 23, a space will be dedicated to the RegionsAdapt and Biosphere projects, to the campaigns in favour of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, as well as to the dynamics of the Food Sovereignty and Cooperation working groups development.

During this year 2021, the work with Regions4 has been relaunched in a very important way, which, beyond being a completely independent network, acts as an environmental sector of ORU Fogar. ORU Fogar has supported the dissemination of the Edinburgh Manifesto in favour of the protection of diversity, as well as the holding of various events on environmental issues, both at the United Nations High Level Political Forum, and around COP26 in Glasgow. This relaunch has meant, above all, that a dozen ORU Fogar regions rejointed the RegionsAdapt program.

RegionsAdapt is an initiative to exchange information on capacities and challenges, adopt common standards and develop joint projects on adaptation to climate change. RegionsAdapt was launched at COP 21 in Paris, and today has more than 70 signatory regions from five continents. By joining the initiative, the signatories commit to taking a strategic approach to adaptation and prioritizing adaptation actions and taking concrete action on adaptation in at least one of the identified priority areas.

During the assembly, there will also be an intervention by Patricio Azcarate, general secretary of the Responsible Tourism Institute, who will present the work that is being carried out to offer the regions the possibility of obtaining the Biosphere certificate. For some time now, ORU has put a lot of emphasis on pointing out the development possibilities that the tourism field entails. During the V Local Development Forum, held in May, for example, he coordinated a space dedicated to the subject with the participation, among others, of the governors of Cusco (Peru) and Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Now, during the assembly, the options regarding the Biosphere certificate and the possibilities of obtaining funds to finance it will be discussed.

The assembly will address the change of Chair of the Food Sovereignty Working Group. At a meeting of the group, on July 27, the agreement was reached that the Mancomunidad de los Andes would present a candidacy to preside over the group in this 2021 Annual Assembly. At this meeting, the manager of the Mancomunidad de los Andes, Jesús Quispe, He also expressed the will to be able to host, specifically in Huancavelica, the celebration of an IV Summit of Zero Hunger regions during the year 2022. This event, according to the manager, should have the support of the national government and be held within the framework of the 200 anniversary of the Independence of Peru. Thus, the participants decided to raise this issue at the 2021 Annual Assembly of ORU Fogar.

The Development Cooperation Working Group will present its work plan for 2022, which includes participation in the Summit on Cooperation Effectiveness. With the intervention of Diana López Caramazana, director of the United Nations Campaign for Action in favor of the SDGs, it will also be seen how everything related to the 2030 Agenda and the support it can count on evolves.

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