We intensify bilateral relations between members

During the celebration of the “Workshop of the future ORU Fogar 2030”, held in different sessions, from July to October 2021, various participants demanded that ORU Fogar promote greater horizontal activity. This dynamic should allow the establishment of links, the exchange of experiences and an interconnection that generates common projects between different regions of the network. Because of that, the kindness of sharing technologies and innovations was noted. Some of the workshops concluded with the need to create a space for exchange between the different members of ORU Fogar.

The visit of the ecuadorian prefect Pablo Jurado, to Barcelona, last February, has been a particularly good opportunity to put into practice the exchange between provinces of Ecuador and the government of Catalonia. As prefect of Imbabura and as promoter of the Geopark of his province, a figure recognized by UNESCO, Pablo Jurado wanted to know the experience of the Catalan geoparks. Therefore, the Imbabura Park and the Catalunya Central Park are already in contact and exchanging experiences. As president of the Consortium of Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE), Pablo Jurado also visited the Institute for Self-Government Studies. At this meeting, the interest of both parties in deepening the study of decentralization processes was confirmed. And in later meetings it has been agreed that articles produced in Barcelona will be published in CONGOPE's “Territorio” magazine and that articles from Ecuador will be published in the Institute's PaperClip.

About Catalonia, it is worth mentioning that its government through its regional minister for Foreign Action, Victoria Alsina, has made public that, shortly, Catalonia and the Province of Buenos Aires are going to sign a cooperation agreement. This has been possible thanks to the contacts between the two parties promoted by ORU Fogar since September 2020.

In a quite different space and theme, ORU Fogar has fostered contact between the Oriental of Morocco with the regions and the national government of Colombia. The Oriental Region is interested in the so-called “Orange Economy” or, what is the same, the set of activities that transform ideas into goods and services of a cultural nature. The Orange Economy refers to the world of culture, the creative industry and content creation. Therefore, the orange universe is called all those activities that transform knowledge into a good or a service that tries to promote, in addition to economic benefit, the development of culture and creativity. In a very preferable way, he dedicates himself to the cinema. Colombia has developed work in this regard in an important way and is now sharing its experience with Oriental in Morocco.



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