Nrg4SD and ORU call for mobilisation against climate change

In the 21ª Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, which will be held in Paris in December this year, states are expected to reach an agreement towards a new, universal and legally binding agreement, able to limit global warming below 2ºC.  The mobilisation of non-state actors is one of the key features for this COP’s success, since intermediate governments are important players on the ground to limit and tackle efficiently climate change. 

Climate change is a priority issue for nrg4SD and ORU Fogar. Both organisations have launched a series of initiatives to show their support to this new regime and their commitment to its implementation. For that reason, they invite their members to join the fight by means of the following actions: 

•       Take part in the Compact of States and Regions, an initiative supported by the United Regions which provides the first global account of GHG reduction targets for regional governments. The deadline to participate is the 28thy of August 2015. For more information, please visit:

•       Signing and joining the Under 2 MoU, an agreement promoting the collective reduction of GHGs by 80-95% with respect to 1990 levels, greater ambition on climate change based on existing jurisdictions.

•       Participate in and support nrg4SD and ORU’s activities in the run-up and at COP 21. There will be multiple opportunities for members to engage, share thir actions and ideas to feed the intergovernmental process. To consult nrg4SD’s main event, go to:

 In addition, after taking part at the World Summit on Climate and Territories (WSCT) hosted by the French region Rhone-Alpes on the 1st and 2nd of July 2015, nrg4SD is preparing a compilation of case-studies based on the discussions of the WSCT to be presented at the International Climate Summit in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on the 8-9 September 2015. We would like to invite nrg4SD’s and ORU’s members to present case-studies before the 14th of august.  The compilation will continue to follow the thematic of the WSCT and other topics nrg4SD is engaged with (such as forest, energy, low carbon economy, agriculture, decentralised cooperation and territorial planning), and it will be edited in a brochure that will be disseminated worldwide.



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