New collaboration ties between Catalonia and Morona-Santiago

On the occasion of the 'Managerial Leadership Course' organised by ORU’s Training School in the Catalan School of Public Administration, a delegation from the Morona Santiago Provincial Government (Ecuador) travelled to Barcelona to discuss possible collaboration opportunities with the Catalan Government.  Therefore, ORU organised a complete institutional agenda tailored to the needs of the Ecuadorian delegation, which allowed the visitors not only to attend the course but also to tour through different institutions and departments of the Catalan Government.

The delegation from Morona Santiago consisted of Sergio Piruch Tibipa, Director-General (DG) for International Cooperation; Patricio Quezada, DG for Planning; Fausto Chávez Jarrín, DG for Productive Development and Edison Muentes, DG for Environmental Protection. In order to meet the topics of interest of all departments, the agenda drafted by ORU was structured around five domains: Productive Development, with a particular focus on the strengthening of sovereignty, food security and community tourism; Social Development, including sports and cultural identity; Social Action, with emphasis on support for vulnerable groups and health campaigns; Environmental Management and lastly, Planning and Decentralised Governance of Local Governments. 

In this sense, the delegation visited, accompanied by Anna Fernández, ORU’s General Coordinator, several institutions like the Catalan Parliament, the Institute of Local Studies (IEA), the Catalan Water Agency (ACA), the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD), the Catalan Fund for Development Cooperation (FCCD). They also met with personalities such as Marta Macías, Director-General for Development Cooperation; Marta Subirà, Director of the Department of Environmental Policies and Oriol Alsina, Director of International Relations at the Culture Department, with the goal of establishing cooperation ties and strengthening the intermediate governments. 



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