The VII World Summit of Regional Governments provided the framework for approximately twenty new regions to join the RegionsAdapt initiative, originally promoted by the governments of Rio de Janeiro and Catalonia with the support of nrg4SD, in which regional governments jointly commit to fight against climate change.
RegionsAdapt arose from the subnational governments’ need to improve their capacity to respond effectively to climate change challenges. With this view, it aims to establish a framework for cooperation where regions can develop, support and implement adaptation strategies. It was officially launched and joint by 26 regions the world over at the Paris COP21. The ceremony held in Rio provided a new opportunity for Latin American and African governments to join this commitment.
The primary requirement defended at the initiative’s launch was to implement adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change, going far beyond the mitigation measures which we have until now prioritised. "Global warming is a reality that our generations are already witnessing” said the Secretary of Environment of the State of Rio de Janeiro, André Corrêa, and consequently “we can no longer have a single mitigation stance, but we need to start adapting the specific effects in each region”.
The new regions that joint the initiative at ORU’s VII Summit are the following: