ORU Fogar and Catalonia organize a Side Event in Habitat III

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Regional governments will have their own event in the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development.


ORU Fogar and the Catalan Government, in collaboration with nrg4SD, the Basque Country’s Government, CONGOPE, Azuay Provincial Government (Ecuador) and Findeter (Colombia), will be holding a Side Event in the Habitat III Conference, on Monday, 17th of October at 9:30 AM. Under the name: “Integrated and balanced territorial development. The added value of regional governments towards the New Urban Agenda”, it will provide an occasion to share and discuss with the attendees the role of regional governments in urban sustainable development.

The event will provide a framework in which Latin American and European regional institutions will showcase good practices that exemplify their roles as key enablers for a holistic and integrated territorial approach. More specifically, the institutions presenting their cases are the Azuay Provincial Government, the Metropolitan Chamber of Rio de Janeiro, the Basque Country’s Government, Catalonia’s Government and the regional networks Communitas Coalition and nrg4SD. Right after that, a forum for discussion will begin between the audience and the panelists.

The whole session will revolve around two intervention areas of regional governments. On the one hand, their role in urban regeneration policies, which intervene in the consolidated urban fabric, with the objective of allowing the evolution of territories without increasing soil consumption. On the other hand, the interdependences and impact of urban areas over rural, peri-urban and natural areas. In that sense, regional governments, as intermediate levels of governance, have vital competencies in guaranteeing a more sustainable management of the resources.

The side event organized by ORU and the Catalan Government is one of the many activities that the United Regions Organization has undertaken in order to make the voice of the regions heard before the United Nations and to demonstrate that they are fundamental actors for the success of the New Urban Agenda in a post-Habitat III scenario. The program of the event, which will take place in Room R9 of the Conference Hall, is available at: http://www.regionsunies-fogar.org/images/Documentos/programa-side-event-habitat3-web-en.pdf


Related content:

Integrated and Balanced territorial Development. Side event program in Habitat III published by ORU Fogar, September 2016

ORU will present the regions’ positioning in Habitat III. Article published by ORU Fogar, 27/09/2016

Regional Governments in Habitat III. ORU Fogar’s position. Position on Regional Governments by ORU Fogar, September 2016

Regions have a message for Habitat III. Article by Paúl Carrasco, President of ORU Fogar, 25/05/2016

The presence of regions in Habitat III. Article by Abdelkébir Berkia, ORU Fogar’s Vice-President, 27/09/2016


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