The Regional World Summit focuses on ZERO HUNGER projects and strategies

During the presentation of the Third World Summit of Regions on Food Sovereignty and Security, the host, the prefect of Azuay, Paúl Carrasco, indicated the very practical nature of the event that will be held on April 27 and 28, 2018 in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. "We aim to identify, promote and develop strategies and programs that allow intermediate governments to promote actions aimed at guaranteeing the food security of the population and improving their living conditions”.

The Azuay Summit is the third regional summit on Food Security promoted by ORU Fogar, always organized in collaboration with FAO. The previous ones were held in Dakar and Medellín. On this occasion, the working group on Food Security of the United Regions Organisation ORU-FOGAR, led by Azuay, has proposed to focus the Third Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals and more specifically on the commitment to promote the second Goal, "Zero Hunger": "Ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture".

With this objective, the Summit wants to see how the regions, as the first scenario of development, implement initiatives aimed at reducing and eliminating the impact of food crises, caused among other factors by the lack of planning in agricultural development, indiscriminate exploitation of resources, climate change, losses and waste of food or the increase in armed conflicts, explained Prefect Carrasco.

The first lectures will analyze the territorial productive systems, analyzing aspects from access to productive resources to seeds, or the commercialization processes. The summit will not forget, however, all the problems linked to food consumption, from child malnutrition in some territories, to irresponsible consumption and excess waste. A central part of the two days of discussions will focus on food policy governance, to finally address the concept of food sovereignty as a key to reducing hunger.

This Third Summit has the support of the United Nations Food Security System, FAO, CONGOPE and the Presidency of Ecuador. All the actors involved in food issues, from NGOs to the business world, through the municipal world - represented by UCLG - have been invited. Participating speakers include regional presidents from all over Latin America, but also African governors from Morocco, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Kenya and Niger. Food security experts from around the world will be joined by former presidents such as Felipe Calderón from Mexico,  César Gaviria from Colombia,  Óscar Arias from Costa Rica and former Prime Minister from Ivory Coast Jeannot Ahoussou-Kouadio.


Photos of the tour in Latin America by the prefect of Azuay, Mr. Paul Carrasco, to prepare the III World Summit of Regions of ORU Fogar on food security and sovereignty.

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Third Regional Summit on Food Security to be held in Azuay. Article published by ORU Fogar 03/1/2018.




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