The III Best Practices Award goes to Colombia, Italy and Catalonia

During the closing of the annual meeting of ORU Fogar, last October 23rd, in Rabat, the five good regional practices winners of the third edition of this award were made public. The UNDP and ORU Fogar organize this award annually. The five recognitions were, ex aequo, for the Colombian departmental governments of Antioquia and Nariño, for the Government of Trentino, and for the Diputació of Barcelona and the Generalitat of Catalonia.

The Government of Antioquia presented the project "Public Policy on Food and National Security Mana" which received a total score of 652 points. The "Emergency plan against poverty", presented by the Diputació of Barcelona scored a total of 647 points. "A transition towards a clean, participative and decentralized energy model that places the citizen at its center" was the title of the project presented by the Institut Català de l'Energia of the Government of Catalonia, which scored a total of 635 points. The citizen participation project "GANA open government", presented by the Government of Nariño (Colombia), obtained a total score of 619 points.  "Io, Trentino", a project presented by the Trentino Government, scored 616 points.

The jury of this III prize was composed of: Anna Fernández, general coordinator of ORU Fogar and president of the jury; Mireia Canals, professor and researcher; Rodrigo Mesias, responsible for the policies of the nrg4SD network; Lurdes Gomez, chief technical advisor at UNDP Jordan; Xavier Longan, European focal point of the United Nations SDG Campaign; Johannes Krassnitzer, coordinator of the UNDP ART programme; Mario Biggeri, professor at the University of Florence, director of ARCO Lab and expert in Human Development; Francisca Inês dos Santos, director of the Local Development Unit of the Department of the Prime Minister of Cape Verde and Rosa Suriñach, responsible for the partnerships and communications of the Urban Resilience programme of UN-Habitat.

Related content:

Jury’s decision on III regional best practices award (english, french and spanish)

Video of the Award's Ceremony 




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