Agreement to accelerate regionalization in Morocco

The National Colloquium for Advanced Regionalization, organized by the Ministry of Interior and the Association of Regions of Morocco, held on 20 and 21 December in Agadir, concluded with a broad agreement that should allow a substantial transfer of powers from the central government to the regions.

The meeting, which was attended by nearly 1,400 participants, opened with a message from King Mohammed VI, which already indicated the country's commitment to continuing along the path of decentralisation. The king pointed out that the country's progress, on an economic, social and environmental level, will inevitably involve regionalisation. 

At the same opening, Mohand Laenser, President of the Association of Moroccan Regions and also President of the Regional Council of Fes-Meknes, pointed out that there was a road map in place to advance regionalisation and that the commitments between regions and ministerial departments would be concretised at the Colloquium. For two days, the need to reduce territorial disparities, the competitiveness of territories, how to attract investment and also the financing of regional councils were discussed.

Thus, the Colloquium concluded with the signing of an agreement between various ministries and the regions of Morocco that sets out 12 key recommendations to promote advanced regionalization. One of the recommendations indicates that a common minimum of powers to be transferred to the regions should be established, prioritising those that closely affect citizens. The agreement also includes, however, the initiation of a process of legislative adaptation, allowing ministries to transfer powers to the regions. And it is not forgotten to encourage the State to continue its initiatives to strengthen the regions' capacity in terms of financial management, and to work to diversify the regions' sources of funding.

The president of ORU Fogar, Abdessamad Sekkal, actively participated in the event and valued very positively the agreements adopted. Sekkal, who is also President of the Regional Council of Rabat Salé Kénitra, recalled that the Moroccan Constitution of 2011 enshrines the principle of subsidiarity and explained that many aspects of the Law on Advanced Regionalization of 2015 need to be specified, both in relation to the powers of the regions themselves, but also those that can be transferred from the central administration. "In the law", said ORU Fogar's president, "all this is not made clear. And there are key issues such as the promotion of employment or entrepreneurship in which all bodies are involved, but where there is a need to clarify the role of each player. In any case - concludes Abdessamad Sekkal - the Colloquium has been a moment of reflection at a key moment".

The colloquium will be held every two years.

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