Regions are mobilising for biodiversity

Regiones por la Biodiversidad: alcanzando los objetivos de Aichi

The Government of Catalonia, in collaboration with nrg4SD (both of them members of ORU Fogar), will host the International Conference “Regions for Biodiversity: Achieving the Aichi Targets”. The event will be held on June 30 and July 1st at the Art-Nouveau Site of Sant Pau in Barcelona.

The Conference will provide fruitful discussions and thought dialogue of the role of regions and sub-national governments towards implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the first global agreement on the conservation of biological diversity concluded in 1993 by the United Nations. It will gather representatives from all governance levels, including high level representatives from the local, regional, National and intergovernmental levels. In particular, participants will discuss on biodiversity global governance and how all governmental levels can work together in a coordinated and coherent manner.

The Conference will be specially focused on regions and how they can achieve the Aichi Targets, adopted by the CBD members in 2010. Three different sessions will be held in which the Aichi Goals will be analysed and showcased with regional experiences put into practice by different nrg4SD members to date in the exercise of their powers and in line with national and international dispositions on the matter. 

The event will be held alongside the annual meeting of the nrg4SD General Assembly (29-30 June), which will gather states, regions and provinces from four continents to agree on the Network’s projects and next steps to follow. It is worth highlighting the RegionsAdapt initiative, which ORU Fogar has supported on occasions such as the VII World Summit of Regional Governments held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where a signing ceremony managed to adhere 20 new regions to the pact. The meeting in Barcelona will provide a new opportunity to further promote this subnational Alliance to adapt to climate change.

It must also be noted that the International Conference “Regions for Biodiversity” and nrg4SD’s General Assembly will serve to create contributions and a common position for nrg4SD and its members towards the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP13) that will be held next December in Cancun, Mexico. 


More information:

For the complete programme of the International Conference “Regions for Biodiversity”, please access:

nrg4SD’s press release in English:

To register:


Source and images: nrg4SD



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