11 new regions join RegionsAdapt at Habitat III and COP22

Side Event de nrg4SD sobre la iniciativa RegionsAdapt en la COP22 de Marrakech

nrg4SD’s climate change adaptation initiative had a strong presence in the two recent UN Conferences, reaching 66 members 

The Habitat III -  United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, took place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17-20 October, 2016 and gathered approximately 60.000 attendants, between representatives of national governments, authorities and officials of cities and regions, civil society and intellectuals. Amongst multiple opportunities promoted alongside the Conference, the core of nrg4SD’s participation in Quito was the RegionsAdapt, the first global initiative for regional governments to take concrete actions, cooperate and report efforts in climate adaptation. With the special support of ORU Fogar and CONGOPE, this unique commitment managed by nrg4SD’s Secretariat has taken new exciting steps, reaching a total of over 61 members (56 regional governments and 5 national associations of regional governments).

New members of RegionsAdapt

During the whole Conference, the RegionsAdapt was presented in multiple opportunities. On the Sunday, October 19, nrg4SD joined the Bureau and General Assembly of ORU Fogar, and promoted a new signing ceremony for the RegionsAdapt. 6 new Ecuadorian regions signed the initiative: Pichincha, Bolivar, Esmeraldas, Manabí, Santa Elena and Orellana. 

In close collaboration with the association of regional governments in Ecuador (CONGOPE), the new members of RegionsAdapt already participated in a dedicated workshop on the initiative. During the session, the government staff engaged interesting discussion about the functioning and new opportunities provided by the RegionsAdapt. They were guided through the existing thematic working groups and shared each’s territories main issues on adaptation.

RegionsAdapt in the New Urban Agenda

States, regions and provinces also have a key role to play in making cities resilient. With that in mind, nrg4SD organized the event “Enhancing Urban Resilience through RegionsAdapt”, on October 19, in collaboration with United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and the World Centre for Sustainable Development (RIO+Centre). ECLACL and Rio+Centre are currently expert partners for specific thematic working groups in the RegionsAdapt.

The event counted with the participation of members of the initiative, who could share best-practices and challenges in addressing urban resilience from the. Among the presenters, it included Mr. Abdessamad Sekkal, President of ORU Fogar, and Cecilia Alvarado, Vice-President of the Azuay Province –alsio member of ORU.

RegionsAdapt was also presented during the first meeting of the Association of Regional Governments of countries members of Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), in which President Sekkal also participated. The initiative raised the interest of leaders of subnational governments and their organizations, once again confirming the large potential and need of addressing adaptation in South American territories.

From Quito to Marrakech

Less than a month after the successful appearance in Quito, the RegionsAdapt was once again one of the focus of nrg4SD participation in the UN Agenda. This time in Marrakech, for the occasion of the Climate Change COP22, members of the network joined different side-events and debates, particularly with a focus to the importance of exchanging experiences on subnational climate action, as through the RegionsAdapt.

Another signing ceremony of the initiative was held in Marrakech, one year after its launch at the Paris COP21. It welcomed the adhesion of Alberta (Canada), Brittany (France), Minas Gerais (Brazil), Missiones (Argentina), North Sumatra (Indonesia), reaching a total of 66 members.


Related Content:

Regional leaders call for adequate funding at COP22. Article published by ORU Fogar, 24/11/2016

Regions claim for more space in the New Urban Agenda. Article published by ORU Fogar, 25/10/2016


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