Cordoba will host the V World Forum on Local Economic Development

Cordoba will host the next World Forum on Local Economic Development (LED) in 2019, after the decision made by the Forum’s Executive Committee -which ORU Fogar is part of- where they approved the postulation that the Argentinian province made with the municipality of Cordoba in Seville, Andalucia (Spain). 

With this announcement, the Argentinian host, will follow the path set by the first Forum celebrated in Seville, followed by Foz de Iguazú, the city of Turin and then the government of Cape Verde. Therefore, it’s the first time that we have a host joined by a municipality, with an intermediate government such as Cordoba’s Province. Presented then, as a great opportunity for discussion, with the presence of all regional actors. 

The current governor, Juan Schiaretti stated that, by running for hosting this event, the province counted as well with the support from the table of Provinces/Municipalities, which means the participation of 427 municipalities from Cordoba’s Province. “We must remark -said the governor in a message directed to the LED’s Forum Executive Committee- that such as the provincial government, as the municipalities, have a great interest in the whole debate surrounding the SDGs and the general aspects on the global agenda”. 

Cordoba possesses a great capacity for organizing big events, such as the Summit for Heads of State of Mercosud in 2006 or the Green Economy Congress, where President Barack Obama participated. In 2019, will be held in Cordoba, the VIII International Congress for the Spanish Language in March and the V LED Forum in September. At the very same time, the Province of Cordoba postulated herself to prepare the XII ORU Fogar’s Assembly

Furthermore, on their organizational skills, the LED’s Forum Executive Committee evaluated the possibility of celebrating the event in the context of a pure industrial economy, that must therefore affront many challenges and big opportunities from the contemporary industrial economy. With full support from the national government, the event will count with thematic expositions related to their territorial development, circular economy, social inclusion, employment and the role of the sectors within new local scenarios. 

This Forum, goes beyond the regional contribution of ORU Fogar, it will have presence from CGLU and agencies from the UN as UNDP and ILO



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