A network of experts in regional paradiplomacy has been created

On December 03, 04 and 05, the first Meeting of Studies on Paradiplomacy and Territorial Internationalization took place in Córdoba, Argentina. With the support of ORU Fogar, it brought together outstanding specialists in the field.

More than 60 exhibitors participated in the conference, distributed in 15 panels where they shared experiences, research and projects related to regional and local development with a focus on the international linkage process. Among the specific ones, environmental diplomacy, cross-border cooperation, the political economy of the regions and the challenges of internationalization in the face of technological change were highlighted.

The event included two keynote lectures, one by Dr. Noe Cornago of the University of the Basque Country on new diplomacies and the role of regions in international relations and another by Dr. Javier Sanchez Cano, of the Generalitat of Catalonia and director of the ORU Fogar Development Cooperation Working Group, on the implementation of the SDGs in the international agenda of regional governments and their networks.

One of the highest points of the meeting was the creation of the Network of Experts in Paradiplomacy and Territorial Internationalization (REPIT) which proposes a closer link between the academic sector and public management, in order to improve the implementation and impact of paradiplomatic policies.

The network is conceived as a meeting and exchange space based on the notion that the global activity of territorialised actors contributes to economic, social, cultural and political development. 

The meeting was sponsored by the Secretary of Integration and International Relations of the Provincial Government of Cordoba, together with ORU Fogar and important universities and study centres, among which the University of Guadalajara, the 21st Century University, the EAN University of Colombia, the University of Deusto and the Institute of European Studies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona stand out.




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