ORU Fogar’s 2020 Online Assembly on Digitization 

The ORU Fogar’s 2020 Executive Bureau and the General Assembly will be held virtually on November 30. Although the reunion cannot be held in person in Lyon, as it had been approved in our last meetings, these meetings will be sponsored by the International Association of Francophone Regions and by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Both the bureau and the assembly will approve the 2021 annual plan of the organization, which will obviously change depending on the health crisis that is the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting will be decisive regarding to the president’s Sekkal call to reshape the role of regions in the global governance in the context of a pandemic. 

According to the hosts, this reunion of ORU Fogar, beyond allowing the assembly itself will however be dedicated to the possibilities of digitization and to the regions. Thus, a seminar called “the digitization at the service of the regions”. 

The commitment to this theme takes on its full meaning because, on next January, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is due to inaugurate the "Digital Campus", a university space dedicated to digitization and which is a commitment of the region and its president Laurent Wauquiez. With this campus, which will initially have 2000 students, but has a capacity for 5000 people, the region intends nothing more and nothing less than to create the European “Silicon Valley”. President Wauquiez stated: “with this campus, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has a unique tool to become the first digital region in France and establish itself as the digital in Europe”. 

The seminar will present the digital proposal of the host region and will count on the participation of the regions with the most ambitious digital projects. 



December 1st, 2020  16:00 CET


ID meeting: 853 3618 0873


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