"Strengthening and stimulation of a territorial ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship from the creation of a public-private agency in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina"

REGION: Córdoba
AUTHORITY: Government of the Province of Córdoba (Argentine)
POPULATION: 3.506.000
WEB SITE: http://www.cba.gov.ar    


Practice submitted to ORU Fogar’s V Regional Best Practice Award by Cordoba (Argentine), with input record number 6 and a total score of 614 points.


The practice in question consists of the creation of a government agency of public-private governance whose mission is the promotion and construction of an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship at the regional level for the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. In this sense, in June 2016 the Córdoba Innovar y Emprender Sociedad de Economía Mixta was created, in whose capital stock the provincial State holds 51% of the stake, and the remaining 49% is owned by the sector private through the Córdoba Technological Linkage Unit (UVITEC); entity whose founding members are the main intermediate productive institutions in our territory: the Córdoba Stock Exchange, the Córdoba Foreign Trade Chamber and the Córdoba Industrial Union.

In this sense, to institute the systemic perspective that guides the Agency's actions in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the territory, its collaborative governance is reflected in the formation of its board of directors, where the actors are represented. living of the ecosystem; The administration of the Agency is in charge of a Board of Directors composed of eleven (11) members, of which the President, the Vice President and a third of the Directors are appointed by the Provincial Executive Power. The other members are appointed by the Assembly, which must include at least two (2) representatives from the private-business sector, two (2) from the university scientific-technological sector and one (1) from the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Said board of directors meets at least once a month to conduct the technical-administrative functions, to dictate the conducive legal acts to direct and administer its actions, and to have the payroll of the personnel necessary for the fulfillment of the corporate purpose of the Agency.



More information

Programas | Innovar y Emprender Córdoba (innovaryemprendercba.com.ar)



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