“Training values” from Manabí (Ecuador) receives 1000 Barça shirts

Through ORU Fogar, the “Training values” project, which in 2022 received one of the Regional Good Practices Awards organized by UNDP and ORU Fogar, has received a donation of 1,000 Barça t-shirts from the Foundation F.C of Barcelona.

The project, promoted since 2019 by the Prefecture of Manabí, Ecuador, aims to strengthen capabilities, through the practice of soccer and the use of free time to promote values in children. Thus, it has become the backbone and engine of social and community transformation, in one of the most populated regions of Ecuador.

The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of children and adolescents, which includes talks, workshops and physical activities to help them integrate socially. It's about children receiving a consistent message from their community, while ensuring their needs are met. To ensure its replicability, the project was created with a methodology to better accompany and organize the many communities where it was carried out and with which it counted.

This past February 1st, 18 thousand girls, boys, teenagers and people with disabilities, aged between 6 and 17, joined the fourth season of the project in the 22 cantons of the province. There are 120 training units, directed by 113 coaches with recognized football careers. In addition, there are 10 technical inspectors and 5 educators in charge of giving motivational and values talks to the participants.

The support of the F.C. Barcelona was easily achieved, because its Foundation is already very involved with social projects with children and young people in vulnerable situations, especially in Latin America. In Colombia, Barça has supported various projects in communities where violence easily results against children. In the Peruvian Amazon, specifically in the Loreto region, with the collaboration of ScotiaBank they are also supporting a project. With the same bank, the Foundation finally develops its work in Valparaiso, Chile.



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