A great project for the sustainability of Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima

From November 18 to 20, the Forum Service Local Energie Climat was held in Marseille, where the progress of the project “Local Energy and Climate Service: a tool for energy and climate transition of integrated urban development” which is being deployed in the Moroccan region of Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima, was presented. 

A “Local Energy and Climate Service - LECS or SLEC (in French)” is a service carried out by the local community and whose function is to support the energy and ecological transition by involving local stakeholders through awareness, training, advice and territorial mobilization.  In this case, the project envisages the creation of 8 LECS services, which will provide equipment and resources housed in an eco-efficient and bioclimatic building in eight different localities in the Moroccan region. 

The LECS of Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima is a project jointly promoted by the Moroccan region and the South Region Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, France, with ORU Fogar as a partner. With a budget of 3.5 million euros, 85% of which is European funding, the project has been selected among more than 1,000 projects submitted to the call of the European Union program for the Mediterranean and Middle East. 

In Tangier, Fahs Anjra, M'diq-Fnideq, Tétouan, Larache, Ouezzane, Chefchaouen and Al Hoceima, the eight selected provinces, a Local Energy and Climate Service will aim to be a governance engine, a prospective study center, a green initiatives incubator, a sustainability awareness space, a networked pilot initiatives center, a green employment developer and a best practices promoter. 

The Forum held in Marseille was attended by representatives of the two regions promoting the project, but also by technicians from the five municipalities concerned. Considering that the project can be replicated in other geographies, technicians from Morocco's Oriental region and Mauritania's Nouakchott region were also invited.  

In one of his speeches, the vice-president of the Regional Council of Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima, Taoufik El Bourch, stressed that the success of the project was due to the cooperation of all parties. He particularly appreciated the joint work with the Southern Region and stated that it was one of the practical results of having jointly organized the MedCop of Marseille and Tangier, events in which the Mediterranean regions have prepared their participation in the COPs on Climate Change in recent years.  

ORU Fogar's Secretary General, Carles Llorens, applauded the collaboration between the French and Moroccan region. “Our organization is calling for international cooperation to support and strengthen the southern regions. Studies carried out over the last two years by the Basque Government have allowed us to note that neither decentralized cooperation, which is more willing to support national governments than regional ones, is doing this work. In this context, the support of the Southern region cooperation to this project is undoubtedly a very remarkable commitment and that, for ORU Fogar, will be a reference”.  

Here is some information about the project: 



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