Regions are seeking joint responses to Climate Change
Representatives of regions and cities from around the world met last 1st and 2nd of July in Lyon, in ORU’s French region of Rhône-Alpes, for the World Summit on Climate and Territories, one of the largest meetings as far as climate change is concerned. The main aim of the event, preparatory for the Paris COP21...
Successful turnout at the Managerial Leadership Course
ORU has set in motion a new project through its Training School in Barcelona, aimed at making available to its members educational resources and tools to improve their capabilities in multiple aspects of regional cooperation. The first experience of the Training School has been the 'Managerial Leadership Course'...
New collaboration ties between Catalonia and Morona-Santiago
On the occasion of the 'Managerial Leadership Course' organised by ORU’s Training School in the Catalan School of Public Administration, a delegation from the Morona Santiago Provincial Government (Ecuador) travelled to Barcelona to discuss possible collaboration opportunities with the Catalan Government.
ORU proposes three interesting readings for this summer holidays
United Regions Organization Secretariat Via Laietana 14, bajos. 08003 Barcelona (Spain) Tel.: +34 607050705 Fax: +34 930025021 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Better prepared than ever before for the fight against climate change
It is evident that regions regions have worked hard in the fight against climate change, but our visibility as strategic players has only been possible through our unity and organisation, which allowed us to be present at all international debates and to position our voice. Now we are working towards the COP21, the United Change Conference on Climate Change that will be held in Paris next December. On the 10th and 11th October last year, Ile-de-France hosted the World Summit of Regions for Climate.
Training: another accomplishment from ORU Fogar
Nowadays, countries, their regions and continents live on in a world characterized by the ever increasing role of cities and regions. This happens as the effects of CHANGE, yesterday an occasional event and today a mere routine, traverse it all: things, beings, concepts, plans, and mentalities. For such decisive issues as international relations, cooperation between countries and their subnational territories, decentralisation and regional development...