Newsletter 14/2015


Newsletter # 14
21 december 2015




2015 has been a good year for ORU Fogar. We have improved our organisation’s structure, our network has broadened and we have been able to place and reinforce our positioning in numerous global debates.  I would like to thank all actors with whom we have worked during this year, as their support and collaboration has been crucial in improving the global governance and the leading role of regional intermediate governments.

The regions view the Paris agreement on Climate Change as historic

The regions and the environmental regional networks have unanimously welcomed the agreement on climate change reached in Paris on the 12th December. Nrg4SD found that the global compact made by 196 states, seeking to limit temperature rise to less than 2ºC, represents a turning point in global climate governance. This network stressed the recognition and the multiple references to the regional governments in the articles of the agreement. 


The regional elections unveil a new political map in France

In the second round of the French regional elections, conducted last Sunday 13th December, the National Front did not win in any regions, despite the excellent results of the first round. The ultra-right party led by Marine Le Pen was the party most voted in 6 out of the 13 regions in the first round.  In the end, the candidates of the right, united in candidacies under Sarkozy’s Republicans, have won in 7 regions. 

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