ORU signs an agreement with the International Labour Organisation
ORU Fogar and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) signed, last 19th of October, a collaboration agreement to promote decent work and formalizing informal work in ORU’s member regions.
Gran Chaco approves its Statute of Regional Autonomy
Last 20 November, 100,824 citizens of Gran Chaco, Bolivia, were summoned to the polls to vote for the adoption of the first Regional Autonomy in Bolivia...
France will transfer part of the VAT to the regions
The French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, announced that a portion of the VAT will be transferred to the Regional Councils as of January 2018. The decision was made...
My commitment with regions
It is an honour for the AIRF, the only global network of francophone regions, to be elected to the Vice-Presidency of ORU Fogar, of which it is a founding member. As President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, which currently leads the AIRF, and alongside my friend Abdessamad Sekkal, President of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra...