Newsletter 55 - September 2018



Newsletter # 55



Examples of SDG's implementation from around the world at the Rabat Assembly

The Forum to be held at the 11th Assembly of ORU Fogar on the 22nd and 23rd of October in Rabat (Morocco) will present implementation examples and experiences of the three global agendas, with regions of the most diverse geographies.

Peruvian, Chilean and Uruguayan regions call for accelerated decentralization

With a meeting in Cusco on July 21 and 22 and a seminar in O'Higgins on July 23 and 24, the Peruvian and Chilean regions called for accelerating the decentralization of their respective countries. The II Summit on Decentralization with Zero Hunger, organized by ...


Amendment of the Constitution of Comoros to remove island autonomy

Last 30th of July, the Comorians approved in a referendum, boycotted by the opposition, the constitutional reform that strengthened the president's powers, allowing him to run for a second consecutive term, which will allow the suppression of the islands' autonomy and make Islam the "state religion".


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