The annual meeting of ORU Fogar, which was to be held in Cordoba, Argentina, as part of the V Global Forum on Local Economic Development, has moved to Santiago, Chile, to encourage the presence of the members of the organization at COP25 (United Nations Climate Change Conference 2019).
Prefectures in Ecuador prepare themselves for cooperation
Last August 6th and 8th the First High Level Reunion of the Decentralized Governments for the International Cooperation Management took place in Quito and Guayaquil. The event, organized by an Interinstitutional Table for international Cooperation, in which CONGOPE participates, but also the local and parochial worlds are part, ...
ORU Fogar signs an agreement to work with Chinese provinces
During the IV World Philanthropy Forum held in Shenzhen, China, on September 5 and 6, ORU Fogar signed an agreement with the Chinese paradiplomatic organization, the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development. This agreement culminates the rapprochement of both organizations and should allow a framework of ..
United Regions Organization Secretariat / FOGAR Via Laietana 14, bajos. 08003 Barcelona (Spain). This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Food security and sovereignty
Before presenting the next two concepts, they must be well defined and therefore present their main differences. There’s no doubt, that both concepts consider the vital importance of satisfying and protecting the Human right that all people must have access to the food and supplies they need to cover up their biological necessities of their existence. However, when studied separately, food security is known as the physical and economical access to food in every moment, with sufficient nutrients to satisfy the biological needs of all people, so they can go on with a healthy and active life, assures the FAO.