Newsletter 72 - April 2020


Newsletter # 72



The regions in action against the coronavirus

During this crisis, the regional governments are working hard with the central and local authorities to tackle the COVID 19 pandemic. With more or less competencies, some regional governments are managing the public health and others are not. The regions have proven to play a key role as intermediates between the national and local scales but especially thanks to their proximity with the citizens, providing basic services and addressing the most urgent needs in this emergency context. The ORU Fogar members in different territories have led firm actions, which it is worthwhile summarizing and sharing.

The networks on guard

From the earliest moments, the national associations of regions have played a key role in disseminating reliable information about coronavirus and about how to tackle it. 


ORU Fogar tackling the coronavirus

If, back in February the 10th, ORU Fogar campaigned to support the Chinese province of Hubei, since the COVID-19 pandemic globally spread, the network is fully ...


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