Newsletter 75 - July 2020


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Newsletter # 75



Regions in favor of accelerating the SDGs in the United Nations HLPF

The various members of ORU Fogar who participated in the United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) confirmed their commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and endorsed the call of the UN Secretary General to promote actions that accelerate the SDGs. .

“Positive Conversations” Governance Post-COVID-19

On July 9, 2020, the “Positive Conversations” experience began, with a dialogue between ORU Fogar President Abdessamad Sekkal and Thierry Cornillet, founding president of AIRF.


ORU Fogar participates in the 75th anniversary of the United Nations

ORU Fogar is participating in the drafting of the "“Visioning Report. The rol of local and territorial governments in the future global governance” that the United Nations commissioned a few months ago to...


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