Newsletter 76 - September 2020


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Newsletter # 76



Cities and regions seized the opportunity of the 75th Anniversary of the UN to demand for a renewed multilateralism

Responding to the call of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, inviting to debate on the future of the organization, the Global Taskforce, which gathers local and regional government organizations, ORU Fogar among them, calls for a new multilateralism in which local and regional governments participate and where decentralization and subsidiarity prevail. This is, in any case, the conclusion of the report "The role of local and regional governments in the future global governance of the international system" that will be presented within the framework of the 75th United Nations General Assembly and the celebration of its 75th Anniversary, in September 2020.

Virtual Assembly and Elections of Regions4

Last June 18th, within the framework of the United Nations High Level Political Forum, for the first time, Regions4 organized their annual assembly virtually. 


ORU Fogar supports Colombia in “Voices from the Pacific 2020”

Last July 9, a webinar entitled “Economic Strategies for the Economy Recovery of the Pacific region” led to the creation of a series of webinars...


United Regions Organization Secretariat / FOGAR ·
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