Newsletter 80 - January 2021



Newsletter # 80



VI Regional Best Practice Award

During the course of the month of January was convened, as it has become a tradition, the VI Regional Best Practice Award that brings together, each year, the ORU-Fogar with the United Nations Development Programme Art (UNDP Art). This prize, whose first call for applications dates from 2016, is a competition to reward the best projects implemented by regional public administrations.

Strategic Territorial Planning Course

During the months of February and March 2021 will be held the course "Methods and tools for the elaboration of a strategic territorial plan" intended for technical and political decision-makers involved in land use planning and territorial development policies. 


The regions exhort the United Nations to push for a treaty 

At the ORU-Fogar assembly on November 30, a declaration was approved, urging the United Nations to draft a binding treaty on transnational corporations and human rights. 


United Regions Organization Secretariat / FOGAR ·
Via Laietana 14, bajos. 08003 Barcelona (Spain). 
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