100 Climate Project Solutions Campaign - R20

21 of the pre-selected projects are carried out in ORU Fogar’s member regions 


In April 2016, after the Paris Agreement, R20 (Regions of Climate Action) and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF) launched the “100 Climate Solutions Projects Campaign” to identify and finance 100 projects worldwide addressing climate change. Shortly after, in June of the same year, ORU Fogar signed a collaboration agreement with R20 so that ten of the selected regions will be direct or indirect members of the organisation. The identification process is still ongoing, 21 projects developed in 13 of ORU Fogar’s regions have been pre-selected along with 500 more projects from all over the world.  

ORU Fogar was one of the regional networks engaged in the campaign, which received more than 650 projects related to waste management, renewable energies and energy efficiency. Close to 500 met R20’s initial selection criteria. The pre-selected projects have been published on R20’s website under six categories, creating a comprehensive global portfolio of Green infrastructure projects. In total, 81 countries are represented in the portfolio, with a predominance of projects from Africa.

The projects’ fiches provide varied information, such as the expected project CAPEX, its social and environmental impact, and the project’s stage of maturity. ORU Fogar’s member regions whose projects have been selected and published in R20’s portfolio are the following:  

  • Department of Gossas, Senegal
  • Department of Kaolack, Senegal
  • Department of Bignona, Senegal
  • Soumboundou Fogny and Brousso, Senegal
  • Department of Cesar, Colombia, through the National Federation of Departments (FND)
  • Department of Sucre, Colombia, through the FND
  • Department of Guajira, Colombia, through the FND
  • Region of Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima, Morocco
  • Province of Pichincha, Ecuador
  • Province of Azuay, Ecuador
  • Province of Carchi, Ecuador
  • Province of Loja, Ecuador
  • Central Department, Paraguay

The next step, on which R20 is currently working, consists in categorizing the projects received in three groups. In the first place, those that will be submitted to various investments funds; in the second place, those that will be submitted to Pre-Investment Facilities (PIFs) that will conduct feasibility studies and establish the bankability of the projects and, lastly, those that cannot be retained by R20 in their current state. The latter will be sent to an online Platform that will accompany and lead them to maturity. Once the projects submitted to the PIFs are evaluated according to specific criteria, R20 will start planning the projects inception missions. 

Related content: 

R20 and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation will develop 10 environmental projects in ORU regions. Article published by ORU Fogar, 16/06/2016

First results of the “100 Climate Solutions Project Campaign” by R20 and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Article published by ORU Fogar, 05/02/2017

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