Light Us Relay - MIPAI

The MIPAI Association (Moroccan Intelligence and Public Affairs Institute) will realize the “The Light US sustainable Relay” project, on the road for a sustainable world, for the second consecutive year. The initiative is intended to help achieve the SDGs and plans a route by electric car from the previous site of the COP22 (Marrakech, Morocco) to the site of the upcoming COP23 (Bonn, Germany), carrying a photovoltaic, ecological, intelligent and connected torch to increase the SDGs visibility and to illuminate the COPs. ORU Fogar collaborates in the project as co-organiser.

After a historical COP21 and the signature of Paris Agreements by 196 parties, the MIPAI team wished to participate in this global mobilization and realize the first sustainable relay to transport the torch “Light Us” from Paris (COP21) to Marrakesh (COP22). Similarly to the Olympic Flame, the torch will transit this year to the COP23 in Bonn, which will take place 6 to 17 November 2017.  

The “Light Us Sustainable Relay” route, drafted together with ORU Fogar, will start on October 31st and it will take 10 to 20 electric Tesla cars from Marrakech, crossing Rabat, Tangier (Morocco), Seville, Valencia, Barcelona (Spain), Montpellier, Lyon, Paris (France) and Brussels (Belgium), to arrive to Bonn on November 5, for the opening of the Conference. The course has been specifically planned to be ecological, following the project philosophy, travelling the minimal distance between the two points. The MIPAI team will present the torch to the United Nations, as the symbol of their engagement towards the sustainable development and preservation of the planet. 

Regional receptions

In addition to participating in the elaboration of the route, ORU Fogar will contribute to the organization of the receptions that the regional governments will offer in each of the route steps. In each region, a welcoming committee will be created with the territorial authorities, offering the opportunity to present the initiative to citizens and to reaffirm the regional governments’ engagement to fight climate change

Related content:

A route by electric cars will join the COP sites. Article published by ORU Fogar, 30/05/2017

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