Positive conversation

For more than a year, different members of ORU Fogar have been talking about the governance of the future. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that regional governments are key to facing the complexity of the globalized world.

As a result of the state of global alarm, Abdessamad Sekkal, as president of ORU Fogar, called on the regional world and especially the members of ORU Fogar to have a great debate on the role of the regions in future governance. The COVID-19 pandemic, as a public health problem, gave a renewed role to the public administration. In all geographies, the central state took control in the face of a situation as serious as the alert. In some cases, this control was done with exquisite coordination with local and regional governments. In others, however, the pandemic facilitated a recentralization that was already latent. Everywhere, the regions played a key role in at least two ways: in disseminating recommendations to combat the epidemic and in serving the most vulnerable population.

Final Report

Here you can consult the final report with the conclusions of the positive conversations.





YouTube Videos



“Positive Conversations” Governance Post-COVID-19 - Oru Fogar (regionsunies-fogar.org)

According to the Regional Presidents of Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire, Decentralization is Essential - Oru Fogar (regionsunies-fogar.org)

Conversations to rethink the principle of subsidiarity - Oru Fogar (regionsunies-fogar.org)

 The “Positive Conversations” arrive to Latin America  - Oru Fogar (regionsunies-fogar.org)





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