Newsletter ORU 11/2015


Newsletter # 11
8 november 2015



ORU gives voice to the regional leaders in the Turin LED Forum

Between the 13th and the 16th of October, Turin’s Royal Palace, in the Piedmont region, was the venue for the Third World Forum of Local Economic Development (LED). Co-organised by ORU, the meeting aimed at discussing how to implement the Post-2015 Development Agenda through LED, just as it has been launch and in the year the Millenium Development Goals are coming to their deadline. One of the key thematic issues addressed in the Forum was the significance of territorial policies as a bridge between governments and civil society.

Related article: Our commitment to the global agenda by Paúl Carrasco

ORU’s President, appointed member of UNACLA

The United Nations Advisory Committee of Local Authorities (UNACLA) has appointed ORU’s President, Paúl Carrasco, as one of its members.  UNACLA is the advisory body on urban matters of the UN-Habitat, made up of mayors and representatives of cities associations chosen by the agency and by the United Cities and Local Governments organisation (UCLG). After restructuring its members, the new Committee met for the first time in New York, last 27th September.


The debates on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda have started

In the context of UNESCO’s World Science Day for Peace and Development, the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site in Barcelona was the venue of the sessions on "Connecting actors for Sustainable Development in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda” last 10 and 11 November. Open to the public, the sessions proved to be a useful exchange of ideas in the elaboration of an action plan at the local and regional level to implement the 2030 Agenda.

Registration will open soon!


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