While the representatives of the different countries endeavoured in Paris, under the umbrella of the United Nations, to reach an agreement that will oblige them to reduce their emissions, the COP21 witnessed a myriad of regional initiatives and agreements in relation to climate. The regions involvement in the COP21 began on Wednesday the 2nd of December with a Side-Event organised by the promoters of the World Summit Climate & Territories.
First Summit of Mexican, US and Canadian Governors
The US town of Springs, Colorado, held the First Summit of North American Governors and Premiers on the 30th and 31st October. The three countries that make up the North American block were present at the Summit, with seven regional leaders from the US, six from Mexico and two from Canada.
Observatorio Territorio Uruguay, territorial policy monitor
The Directorate of Decentralisation and Public Investment and the Office of Planning and Budget of Uruguay has set up a digital platform, known as Observatorio Territorio Uruguay, that collects and makes available to all users data and indicators of all of Uruguay’s territorial levels.
Registration will open soon!
United Regions Organization Secretariat Via Laietana 14, bajos. 08003 Barcelona (Spain). Tel: +34 607050705 / Fax: +34 930025021 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
An unprecedented commitment to action
"On behalf of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency, we thank you for the kind invitation of the Presidencies of COP20 and COP21 to participate at this high level dialogue today. In 22 days, the world will be anxiously following your efforts to collectively agree on an inclusive and ambitious Paris Climate Package as the outcome of COP21."
Discourse by the LGMA constituency at the Paris Pre-COP21 high level consultations with observers, 8 November 2015
Optimism in Paris
The discussions at the midpoint of COP21 exude hope and satisfaction for the work undertaken. It almost seems as if Paris, struck by terrorism only three weeks ago, had such a strong need for optimism that was pushing with all its might to achieve the results needed to address the climate change challenge. I talk about hope because, despite the intense discussions, it seems that countries will reach an ambitious agreement.