Course "Methods and tools for the elaboration of a territorial strategic plan"

Strategic Planning is an ordered method to produce decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization (company, institution, territory, etc.) wants to achieve, from their own perspective, by anticipating the future to compete, they adapt themselves to the environment and prepare for change and its share of uncertainties. Unlike long term planning, Strategic Planning considers the environment as a living and changing system that stimulates participation, accommodates divergent interests, helps to order the decisions to be taken and at the same time guarantees a better implementation. 

Strategic Planning is useful when changes occur in the environment that imply the need for adaptation and redistribution of objectives, products or services, considering the territory as a competitive entity while interrelated and cooperative with other territories. The question to be asked is how to integrate institutions and individuals with the analysis of the situation, in order to structure in a planned and participatory way the process of adaptation to a changing future. 

The Strategic Plan of a city or region must be configured as a tool at the service of future development, which generates a sufficient number of alternatives so that there are options to be selected, through an exhaustive analysis of the key elements, in order to determine the strategic lines that will allow the achievement of the objectives defined throughout the process. This planning should not only be carried out based on documentation work but should also be the result of a process of discussion among all the socio-economic agents that have a direct impact on the future of the territory and its citizens. 

The Strategic Plan is presented as a plan aimed at action, which requires the participation and majority consensus of all agents with the capacity to transform the territory, and a commitment of action among them to develop the strategic lines, each within its own framework of competences and attributions. Therefore, it must be a plan that constitutes a socio-economic reference point and a collaboration project between the different agents, which contributes to the dissemination of strategic thinking or culture and which makes it possible to carry out socio-economic development projects in order to provide specific answers to the needs of citizens, who must be considered as active participants in this process and at the same time as the recipients of the contents of the Plan. 

In order to make known the methodology and tools for this type of planning, this course has been designed for professionals from public or institutional spheres related, familiar with territorial management and development. 



The main objectives of the course are knowing:

 the concepts of Strategic Planning.

 the process and the use of the tools for the elaboration of a Strategic Plan.

 the key factors of territorial development from the perspective of Strategic Planning.

 different tools and methodological resources for Strategic Planning.



The course consists of four sessions of 3 hours each that will be developed based on theoretical presentations, practical cases or examples and colloquia with individualized attention for each participant, who will also receive the documents and teaching materials used in each session. For this purpose, access to a web page will be enabled where, in addition to the course documentation, other resources related to the topics covered and a forum open to participants will be available.

Language: Spanish




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