HighResolution Nursing Consultation (CEAR)

REGION:  Basque Country
AUTHORITY:  Government of the Basque Country
POPULATION:  2.2 million
BENEFICIARIES:  Citizens of the Basque Country
WEB SITE: http://www.irekia.euskadi.eus/es/debates/946?stage=presentation

Practice submitted to ORU Fogar’s II Regional Best Practice Award by the Basque Government (Spain) on the 26th of April 2017, with input record number 4 and a total score of 558 points.


SALBURUA Health Center has launched the HighResolution Nursing Consultation (CEAR) as an initiative for the management of urgent demands concerning acute processes of low complexity in a Health Center. This design is based on multidisciplinary teamwork, based on evidence and clinical guidelines. This initiative constitutes an innovative management element within our Service Organization that manages to give a response to the patient in our neighbourhood when he or she demands to be treated in an urgent manner. This practice has meant managing the demand for care more effectively and educating its recipients in their health-disease process with a high satisfaction rate.   Specifically, the team has designed a total of thirty protocols based on clinical practice guidelines. These have been defined after reviewing the reasons for consultation, all of them processes of pathology of low complexity and susceptible of being attended by nursing staff. This management system has the following objectives:  

-  To inform and educate users about the health-disease process and the use of available health resources.

-  To streamline the agenda workload by optimizing resources and giving more tailored attention to the needs of patients.

-  Team approach to the minor acute process with nursing leadership.

Article “El Centro de Salud Salburua crea la primera consulta de enfermería de alta resolución de la OSI Araba” publicado el 8 de junio de 2017 publicada por el Gobierno Vasco. 



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