Newsletter ORU 7/2015


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Newsletter # 7
7TH jULY 2015



ORU prepares for the 2015 Montevideo Executive Bureau

ORU’s Secretariat-General met last 8th and 9th of June with Uruguay’s Congreso de Intendentes (Congress of Governors) to start preparations for ORU’s next Executive Bureau, to be held in Montevideo on the 24th and 25th of September.

Decentralised Cooperation for Development, under discussion in Brussels

On the 1st and 2nd of June, the Committee of the Regions headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, hosted the 4th edition of the Assises of Decentralised Cooperation for Development. Co-organized by the committee of the Regions and the European Commission, the event became a meeting point for more than five hundred institutions and local and regional authorities from the European Union and the developing countries to exchange experiences and points of view in the field of development cooperation.


Independent candidacies have great success in Mexican mid-term elections

Last 7th of June mid-term elections were held in Mexico. In 17 out of the 31 states in the Republic, the candidates competed for seats in city councils, provincial and federal councils and, in 9 of them, also in state governments.   Polling day took place without any irregularities – except for some complications in certain states such as Michoacán and Oaxac. Also, 98% of the polling stations foreseen opened, turning it into an unprecedented democratic event.


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